Bootcamp 2020
Due to travel and health concerns related to the Coronavirus, Bootcamp has been postponed. New dates TBD.
Want to open your organization to your community? At this hands-on two-day training, you’ll learn the theory and practice of how to do so–and how to make your organization more relevant, vibrant, valued, and sustainable along the way. Get inspired. Get new tools. Get ready to involve your community on a deeper level.
With guidance from our Toronto partners The Royal Ontario Museum (the ROM), and based on recommendations by the government of Ontario and the World Health Organization, the 2020 Bootcamp originally scheduled for April 28-29 in Toronto, Canada has been postponed. We are working with the ROM to establish new dates for Bootcamp, aiming for late Summer or Fall 2020. We will update this page as soon as new dates are set, so be sure to check back over the next few weeks. Or join our mailing list to receive updates directly to your inbox and to be informed when registration is available. Stay tuned!
The Basics
WHEN: To Be Announced
We are looking forward to offering one OF/BY/FOR ALL Bootcamp later in 2020. The program will run from 9am-4pm daily, with an optional no-host dine-around in downtown Toronto.
WHERE: Toronto, Canada
The Royal Ontario Museum (the ROM), the largest museum in Canada in the heart of downtown Toronto. The ROM is a global leader, an OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network member, and our partner in producing this bootcamp. Toronto is the most populous city in Canada, and a hotbed of diversity, creativity, and culture. It’s seriously cosmopolitan AND seriously nice.
WHO IT’S FOR: Teams from Cultural and Civic Organizations
OF/BY/FOR ALL Bootcamp is for teams from cultural and civic organizations of all shapes and sizes. We’ve had bootcampers from libraries, museums, parks, theaters, symphonies, science centers, cultural centers, community centers, and public media organizations. The content is relevant and useful for anyone working to build authentic, deep relationships with diverse communities.
Bootcamp is a team experience. When you register, your registration covers a team of 2-5 people from your organization (you can designate who later). We find that the teams that have the best experience include folks from different departments and levels of your organization. Staff, trustees, volunteers, and community partners are welcome. In general, the more diverse the group in terms of role, the better.
COST: $2,500 USD per Team
The Bootcamp registration fee is $2,500 USD or $3,275 CAD per team. Your team can include 2-5 people at this price. If you want to bring more people, please book two teams.
Your Bootcamp registration fee includes workbooks for all participants, group instruction, and optional personalized coaching sessions. There will be coffee, tea, and light snacks throughout the day. You will be on your own for meals (and there are many great options in the neighborhood).
If you are traveling to Bootcamp from outside Toronto, you will be responsible for booking and paying for your own travel and hotel. We are negotiating preferred rates at nearby hotels and will will post options on this website in Summer 2020.
Program Overview & Outcomes
OF/BY/FOR ALL Bootcamp is a fun, fast-paced, highly-interactive training that introduces you to new methods for becoming representative of your community, co-created by your community, and welcoming for your community. This two-day intensive provides tools to help you:
Articulate goals for community participation at your organization.
Select and commit to a specific new community you want to involve.
Map out that community’s assets and needs and how they align with your goals.
Develop compelling, powerful participatory offers and promises for that new community.
Sketch out a plan to become representative of, co-created by, and welcoming for that new community.
Measure success in involving new communities.
Set a goal to involve specific communities in building a stronger and more resilient future.
Get inspired, laugh out loud, and share honest lessons from the messy, joyful world of community participation.
Want to know more? Download a sample at-a-glance agenda for Bootcamp (subject to change).
At the end of Bootcamp, we invite all teams to make a pledge to involve a specific community in the months to come. All Bootcamp graduates are given priority access to join the Change Network, a supportive online program offering tools, community, and accountability to help you fulfill your pledge.
“I am taking home a new way of thinking about myself and the change that I can make with my communities.”
“I have a concrete plan, focused conviction, and inspired energy to take the necessary steps to create real change in my organization.”
Meet the Instructors
OF/BY/FOR ALL Bootcamp is led by CEO Nina Simon, Head of Program Raquel Thompson, Community Catalyst Lauren Benetua, and Community Catalyst Mateo Mossey. Nina, Raquel, Lauren, and Mateo are all experienced change leaders, trainers, and coaches on inclusive practice. Raquel brings global perspective to the team with her experience as a leader within social justice organizations large and small, both within the U.S. and abroad. Lauren and Mateo are lead coaches in the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network, providing support and guidance to dozens of museums, libraries, theaters, parks, and other community organizations as they deepen their community relevance. Nina is a former museum director who led a massive institutional turnaround grounded in diverse community participation. All of us are dedicated to creating a brave, safe, active learning environment for you and your team.
To get a better sense of the content and how it applies to you, you can watch lead instructor Nina Simon’s keynote about OF/BY/FOR ALL from the 2018 MuseumNext conference in London.
Meet the Host Partners
OF/BY/FOR ALL Bootcamp 2020 is a collaboration between OF/BY/FOR ALL and the Royal Ontario Museum. OF/BY/FOR ALL is a global nonprofit organization that accelerates inclusive change at cultural and civic organizations all over the world. The ROM is a leading global cultural organization—and a member of the OF/BY/FOR ALL Change Network. Together, we are honored to present this opportunity for colleagues from diverse organizations to learn and grow together.
Build your Team
This bootcamp is open to teams of 2-5 individuals from public-serving organizations of any size. Your team may include staff, volunteers, trustees, and/or partners. We ask you to attend in teams because you’ll be most effective at leading change if you have colleagues alongside you.
We anticipate welcoming 20-30 teams from organizations around the world at this bootcamp, with no more than 150 participants total. We expect this bootcamp to sell out, so we encourage you to register early. Join our mailing list to be informed as soon as registration opens.
Email us if you have any questions about Bootcamp 2020… or anything else!